Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Leaving Certificate Business

Business Professional Learning Experience Day 1- 2024/2025

Professional Learning Materials from Business PLE Day 1:

Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.

Business Webinar 1 (Coming soon)

Overview of Leaving Certificate Business, Webinar 1

The focus of this Webinar will be to explore the LC Business Specification. This webinar will provide teachers with an opportunity to engage with the various aspects of the specification, including the 4 contextual strands, the Unifying Stand and the 4 cross-cutting themes. 

Support Material:

All of the support material, including a copy of the Business Specification and the Additional Assessment Component (ACC) guidelines can be accessed in the padlet below.  

Watch PLE Webinar 1:

Coming soon

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