Welcome to the section of our website dedicated to promoting and supporting the embedding of technology in teaching, learning and assessment.
Oide Technology in Education division promotes and supports the embedding of digital technology in teaching, learning, and assessment in primary and post-primary schools.
The division provides various digital technology-related supports to teachers and schools. These include school-based support for digital learning planning and practice, a broad range of face-to-face and online courses, workshops, seminars, webinars and projects, and access to an array of good practice videos.
We also provide infrastructure, device, networking and technical guidance for schools, internet safety guidance through Webwise.ie, and access to learning materials from Scoilnet.ie.
1. I would like to know more about professional learning opportunities?
We provide a wide array of professional learning opportunities to teachers through online courses, good practice videos, webinars, online learning resources and courses in Education Centres. Bespoke school support is provided by Oide Digital Technologies Professional Learning Leaders.
To learn more about this work visit Courses and Practice – Oide Technology in Education
2. I would like to know more about projects and initiatives?
We are involved in a range of digital learning projects and initiatives. While much of the project activity focuses on the management of the Department of Education’s portal for schools (Scoilnet) and its safer internet programme (Webwise), we also lead an array of practical and innovative digital learning projects, supporting participating schools and teachers, both in person and online. We also participate in innovative European projects on digital learning
To learn more about this work visit Projects and Initiatives – Oide Technology in Education
3. I would like to know what digital technology infrastructure guidance and support is available for schools
We provide guidance and support for schools on Digital Technology Infrastructure (DTI), including computing devices, school networking and WiFi, projectors and interactive flat panels, learning platforms, cybersecurity and technical support, (contact us at ictadvice@oide.ie). We also provide a single point of contact and support for Schools Broadband via our Schools Broadband Service Desk, (contact us at: 1800 33 44 66 or at broadbandservicedesk@oide.ie)
To learn more about this work visit Digital Technology Infrastructure – Oide Technology in Education