This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of language learning.
Tools for Teachers:
Access Tools for Teachers via the Scoilnet website to access digital resources to help create more stimulating lessons with interactive and engaging tools.
Fís Film Project:
An innovative film project for primary schools that explores film and animation as a medium of expression. The FÍS film project was established in 2000 and culminates each year in an Oscars-type ceremony at the Helix in Dublin.
The FÍS Film Project was originally set up as a pilot project in 28 schools by the Institute of Art Design and Technology in Dun Laoghaire. It was subsequently rolled out to all schools nationwide in 2000 with the support of the Department of Education and with the then NCTE (now Oide Technology in Education) as a key partner.
Digital Portfolios:
Oide and Oide TIE coordinates support for schools and teachers engaging with digital portfolios. We have a two digital portfolio toolkits, one for primary teachers and one for post-primary that explore the nature of digital portfolios and contains supports on Formative Assessment; Google Workspace supports; Office 365 supports; Policy & Planning. Oide Digital Technologies Professional Learning Leaders have created separate support webinars and presentations for primary and post-primary which can be viewed in the sub pages above.
Support Material:
Below you will find two key supports:
Digital Portfolio Online Course
The Digital Portfolio Toolkits
Eu Code Week:
EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to schools in a fun and engaging way. The Digital Strategy for schools to 2027 states that “Coding and computational thinking at primary should be integrated across the curriculum as well as creating an explicit space to enable the teaching and learning of the fundamental skills required”.
Weave Project:
The Weave Project aims to empower teachers to incorporate computational thinking and coding into their classes to enhance the teaching of the Irish Primary School curriculum. This project, designed for senior primary classes, strives to heighten awareness of coding, computational thinking, and computer science among young students, equipping them with essential skills for the 21st century. It encourages students to cultivate a critical perspective and question the application of new technologies in our world.
The WEAVE project is a collaboration between Oide, DCU, SETU, Arizona State University and SFI. Through the lens of cultural responsiveness, pupils in the schools are challenged to devise a solution to a local problem that they have identified. Pupils use Lego WeDo 2.0 and Lego Spike Essential Kits to construct a solution to their problem and subsequently bring their projects to life using block code.