Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Cluster Day 2024/25 Material
Support Material:
SC PE Planning Resource
Additional Resources and Supports: COMING SOON
This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Junior Cycle Physical Education learning
Overview of our Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Our professional learning day focused the theme ‘Supporting a Culture of Learning in Physical Education’ through assessment task design for a cross-strand unit of learning and classroom-based assessments at Junior Cycle, and exploring curriculum models in the Senior Cycle Physical Education curriculum.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Material from Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
Co-creating Success Criteria
As a sample suggestion for co-creating success criteria with students, watch each video connected to the activity used for skill development and identify three success criteria for three skills observed in each video.
Using a performance skill technique sheet can help with co-creating success criteria with your students.
A sample performance skill technique sheet for sprint hurdles is shown here.

Video sources
Sprint hurdles:
Basketball layup shot:

Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
A set of task cards provide:
- Learning activities for skill development and progression
- Can be revisited to support progression and assessment of a skill
- Used to design success criteria and learning intentions
Teacher’s Voice
One teacher’s experience of engaging with Senior Cycle Physical Education framework in their school setting
Senior Cycle Physical Education Assessment – Portfolios
The video shares examples of how gathering evidence of student learning can be collated in a portfolio, using paper-based or digital platforms.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Maintenance Phase Day 1
Maintenance Phase Day 2
Phase 5: Day 4 and Day 5
Support Material:
SC PE Planning Resource
Additional Resources and Supports: COMING SOON
This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Junior Cycle Physical Education learning
Overview of our Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Our professional learning day focused the theme ‘Supporting a Culture of Learning in Physical Education’ through assessment task design for a cross-strand unit of learning and classroom-based assessments at Junior Cycle, and exploring curriculum models in the Senior Cycle Physical Education curriculum.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Material from Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
Co-creating Success Criteria
As a sample suggestion for co-creating success criteria with students, watch each video connected to the activity used for skill development and identify three success criteria for three skills observed in each video.
Using a performance skill technique sheet can help with co-creating success criteria with your students.
A sample performance skill technique sheet for sprint hurdles is shown here.

Video sources
Sprint hurdles:
Basketball layup shot:

Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
A set of task cards provide:
- Learning activities for skill development and progression
- Can be revisited to support progression and assessment of a skill
- Used to design success criteria and learning intentions
Teacher’s Voice
One teacher’s experience of engaging with Senior Cycle Physical Education framework in their school setting
Senior Cycle Physical Education Assessment – Portfolios
The video shares examples of how gathering evidence of student learning can be collated in a portfolio, using paper-based or digital platforms.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.