
This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of science.

Let’s Talk Science


Talk and discussion is a powerful tool to support teaching and learning in the primary classroom. The ‘Let’s Talk’ framework has been developed to support teachers in advancing their pupils’ thinking through the lens of talk and discussion.

Science Investigation


Science education enhances children’s knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. It involves children in the active construction of their own understanding. This understanding changes in response to the children’s broadening experience. A scientific approach to investigations fosters the development of important skills, concepts and knowledge through which children can observe, question, investigate, understand and think logically about living things and their environments, materials, forces, everyday events and problems. The knowledge and skills acquired may be applied in designing and making activities in which children perceive a need to create or modify elements of their environments. (NCCA 1999)

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