Copy of_ Ábhair foghlama ghairmiúla (Ag teacht go luath)

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of language learning.

Webinar 1

Overview of PLC Webinar 5:

The main focus of PLC Webinar 5 will be to explore critical literacy, as one of the key aspects of section 6 of the curriculum (The Curriculum in Practice). This webinar will provide teachers with an opportunity to explore what developing critical literacy may look like in practice. Sections from a discussion on critical literacy among a panel of teachers are interspersed throughout the webinar, as are examples of classroom practice.

Support Material:

You will need to pause the webinar at various intervals to engage with a range of reflective tasks. A prompt sheet has been developed to guide teachers through the various tasks involved. We recommend that you print one copy of the prompt sheet per teacher/group in preparation for your school closure. Depending on your context and school size, teachers may work individually, in pairs or in groups.

Please note that there is a 30 second pause in the webinar video at each pause point.

Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.

Watch PLC Webinar 5:

Additional Resources and Supports:

Webinar 2

Overview of PLC Webinar 5:

The main focus of PLC Webinar 5 will be to explore critical literacy, as one of the key aspects of section 6 of the curriculum (The Curriculum in Practice). This webinar will provide teachers with an opportunity to explore what developing critical literacy may look like in practice. Sections from a discussion on critical literacy among a panel of teachers are interspersed throughout the webinar, as are examples of classroom practice.

Support Material:

You will need to pause the webinar at various intervals to engage with a range of reflective tasks. A prompt sheet has been developed to guide teachers through the various tasks involved. We recommend that you print one copy of the prompt sheet per teacher/group in preparation for your school closure. Depending on your context and school size, teachers may work individually, in pairs or in groups.

Please note that there is a 30 second pause in the webinar video at each pause point.

Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.

Watch PLC Webinar 5:

Additional Resources and Supports:

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