This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of L1LPs and L2LPs
Curriculum for All Students Session 2 and Session 3 2024/2025
Session 2: Key Competencies
The main focus of this PLE will be to:
- Develop our knowledge of the Senior Cycle key competencies
- Explore how supporting students to develop their key competencies can support them across the curriculum
- Demonstrate the use of the key competencies to create targets for student support plans
Session 3: Senior Cycle Level 1 & Level 2 Learning Programmes
The main focus of this PLE will be to:
- Develop our understanding of the Senior Cycle Level 1 Learning Programmes & Level 2 Learning Programmes structure
- Explore the curricular areas, modules and learning outcomes within the SCL1LPs & SCL2LPs
- Reflect on the progression for students from Junior Cycle L1LPs & L2LPs to Senior Cycle L1LPs & L2LPs
Click on the tabs below to access the materials from this year’s cluster workshops:
Session 2 and Session 3.
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