Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources used during Professional Learning events. The materials and resources will further support the professional learning of colleagues at school level, and of those teachers who are new or returning to Applied Technology.

Applied Technology Professional Learning Experience (PLE) 2024/25

Powerpoint Presentation:

The following document is a PDF file of the presentation featured in the Applied Technology PLE day 2024/25. The document will guide you through the activities and structure of the day, progressing from one activity to the next in a logical, coherent manner.

Professional Learning Booklet:

Applied Technology Professional Learning Experience (PLE) 2023/24

Powerpoint Presentation:

The following document is a PDF file of the presentation featured in the Applied Technology PLE day 2023/24. The document will guide you through the activities and structure of the day, progressing from one activity to the next in a logical, coherent manner.

Professional Learning Booklet:

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