Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Mathematics.

The Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Practice

Overview of The Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Practice:

Begin your professional learning journey with the Primary Mathematics Curriculum through our helpful ‘Introducing the PMC in Practice’ presentation. Dive into the curriculum book with highlighted key pages. Explore the Elements, Pedagogical Practices, and Assessment methods featured in the pivotal Chapter 6. Get ready to discover the ‘how’ of our Primary Mathematics Curriculum.

eLearning Module – Preparation & Planning for the Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Overview of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum eLearning Module

Welcome to our interactive eLearning module designed to enhance your teaching experience. Dive into our Preparation and Planning for the Primary Maths Curriculum module. Get ready to expand your teaching toolkit with our interactive and comprehensive eLearning module.

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