Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual, department and school-led professional development across all areas of Junior Cycle Science

Junior Cycle Science Online CPD Workshop 2022-2023

Overview of our 2022-2023 CPD Day:

We explored the importance of assessment as an integral part of everyday teaching and learning. We looked at the opportunities afforded by formative assessment in providing support,   access and challenge for each learner and we developed our understanding of how our classroom approaches to teaching and learning can support all students, including students engaging with L2LPs

Support Material: The PowerPoint from the day can be accessed below

You will need to scan the QR codes within the PowerPoint to access the thinglink for the ‘Materials and Their uses’ activity and the Genially for the ‘Phenomenon Based Inquiry’. There is a separate resource for teachers to support you in designing your own hexagons which will be on the Scoilnet website in the near future.

The link to the PowerPoint is available below. You can either access the material online, or download a version to your device.

Additional Resources and Supports:

Further Supports Including NCCA Focus on Learning Series

Support Material:

Junior Cycle Science Core PLE 2023-2024

Overview of this Professional Learning Experience

We explored approaches to making connections across the Junior Cycle Science learning outcomes. We looked at inquiry-based learning and the dialogic classroom as just two approaches that may work in the context of our classrooms. We then consolidated the learning by planning , as a department, to create opportunities for students to make these connections. We also looked at the connections between the Science learning outcomes and Science in our everyday lives in the world around us. .

Support Material:

Junior Cycle Science Core PLE 2023-2024 Professional Learning Materials

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Junior Cycle Science Webinars Will Be Uploaded Here

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