Who we are
Oide provides high-quality professional learning supports and services to teachers and school leaders.
Along with bringing together all the valuable resources, expertise, and efficient operating systems, Oide also deploys other innovative and creative approaches to the provision of school support, and professional learning for teachers and school leaders, to meet the future needs of Ireland’s primary, post-primary and special schools, and other centres for education.
What do we do
Oide’s vision is to support the professional learning of teachers and school leaders in Ireland through the development of high quality, innovative and responsive professional learning that enables them to meet the educational needs of all learners in a changing world.
Oide, as an organisation, will subscribe to national and international best practice. It will engage positively with all relevant stakeholders, including building on and developing existing partnerships, such as those that exist presently with school leadership stakeholders, to achieve the best possible outcomes for schools, school leaders, teachers, and learners. Oide will work hard to establish itself as a listening, highly responsive and future-proofed organisation that is well placed to introduce a more streamlined communications channel between itself and all schools, ensuring that both the varied and individual needs of schools are efficiently catered for.
The name Oide
The name Oide was chosen with great care and purpose.
The choice of an Irish word for the name of this support service represents the fundamental significance of the Irish language for our students and schools in our educational system. Oide is an Irish word meaning ‘teacher’ much like the Irish word ‘múinteoir’, but with a much older provenance. The term also has a broader meaning in the Irish language encompassing the roles of ‘tutor’, ‘instructor’ and ‘professor’. This rounded meaning of the word Oide in Irish reflects the broad and high standard of knowledge and skills the Oide had as a person renowned for their guidance, learning advice and teaching skills.
Our Mission
Learning opportunities
Provide school leaders and teachers with accessible, inclusive, innovative and reflective professional learning opportunities which are quality assured.
Empowering educators
Empower educators as career-long learners, ensuring coherence of provision across the teacher learning continuum responsive to the needs of all learners.
Learning supports
Engage in ongoing authentic evaluation of needs, priorities and services to strategically inform Oide’s professional learning supports.
High standards
Respond to and be accountable for ensuring trusted high standards across the service we provide.