
Coaching for School Leaders

What is the Coaching Service?

Oide Leadership Coaching is a confidential, one to one personal service which is now available for all Department of Education (DE) registered Senior School Leaders. Coaching is a particularly powerful tool and one that has proven to be a highly effective way of developing individual and organisational performance by unlocking potential and capability. Coaching is well established as a leadership development service in large organisations and in industry to date. Since 2017, one-to-one and team coaching have been available to all principals and school leadership teams in DE registered schools.

Why access Coaching?

The Department of Education, IPPN, NAPD and Oide Leadership recognise how challenging school leadership is in today’s world and know that there are constant demands in this job. Senior School Leaders can avail of this confidential, one to one service to address challenges which they face, difficulties they might be experiencing or goals that they might wish to achieve. 

How can Coaching benefit you?

By engaging in coaching school leaders will gain the following benefits:  

  • Enhance your capacity to work in a changing environment
  • Increase your ability to priortise and manage demands  
  • Renew your enthusiasm for the job  
  • Enable you to manage change more successfully  
  • Assist you in creating a coaching culture in your school  
  • Provide time and space for you to reflect  
  • Leading through uncertainty 

How does the Coaching service work

Senior School Leaders will be able to meet their chosen coach for a chemistry check. If the senior school leader is satisfied, then there will be 6 more meetings over approximately a one-year period. A final review meeting is held within 6 months of the last meeting. Meetings will normally last 90 minutes and will be held in an agreed location. Senior School Leaders who have received a minimum of four individual coaching sessions through the current Oide Leadership Coaching Programme can avail of Team Coaching in their school. Four two-hour Team Coaching sessions can be availed of per school with a maximum of six participants from the School Leadership Team.

How do I access the service?

Coaching places are available for DE registered school principals. There are 58 Oide Leadership coaches in 6 different regions around the country. To begin your coaching journey, contact the coach directly. The biographies for the coaches can be accessed at the following link: 

In Section 4, click on the regions on the left-hand side and pick a coaching that you would like to engage with. There is no cost to you to avail of the coaching service. Once you have availed of 4 one-to-one coaching sessions you are then entitled to begin team coaching with up to 7 members of your leadership team. 

For further information please contact Geraldine or 065-6845510. 

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