This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources relating to Reading Recovery and early literacy development.
Follow the links below for more information:
Reading Recovery Europe (IOE UCL)
Follow the links below for more information on Reading Recovery in Ireland:
What Works (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth)
Follow the links below for more information on independent reviews of Reading Recovery:
Core Texts and General Reading:
Clay, M. M. (2019). An observation survey of early literacy achievement (4th ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Clay, M. Marie. (2016). Literacy lessons designed for individuals, (2nd ed.). Auckland, NZ: Global Educations Systems (GES) Ltd.
Clay, M. M. (2015) .Change over time in children’s literacy development. Auckland: NZ: Globa Education Systems (GES) Ltd.
Bodman, S. Smith, J, (2013) The Theoretical and Pedagogical Base of Reading Recovery. In Burroughs-Lange, S. & Ince, A. (2013) (Eds) Reading Recovery and Every Child a Reader: History, Policy and Practice. IOE Press.