Professional Learning

This section contains information on the professional learning programmes and events for school leadership.



Comhar is a fully funded Department of Education programme for middle leaders and explores the leadership themes of vision, culture, role, leadership of learning and teaching, change, communication, conflict and sustainability. The Looking at Our School 2022 quality framework is utilised throughout the programme to explore high-quality teaching, learning and leadership. Comhar affords newly appointed Assistant Principals the opportunity to consider demands in the context of current challenges and supports school leaders to build skills, knowledge and attitudes through reflection on practice, dialogue and school initiatives.

You can also contact for further information.  

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Who is eligible for this programme? 

This programme is for Assistant Principals from both primary and post-primary sectors who have recently been appointed.

What if I am appointed after the 1st of September? 

If you are a late appointee, contact for information. 

Do I have to pay for Comhar? 

No, Comhar is funded by the Department of Education. 



Forbairt is a one-year programme that provides an opportunity for participant school leadership teams to enrich and enhance their individual and collective leadership knowledge, skills, and capacity through professional development, reflection, collaboration, and a school-based improvement project.  

Each school team consists of a principal, a deputy principal, and two assistant principals (smaller schools, with only one DP may opt for either the principal or DP to take part in the programme rather than both).  

Over the course of the academic year, school based Forbairt teams are assisted through a comprehensive programme of support. This involves leadership focused CPD, networking with leadership teams from other schools, undertaking a practical leadership school improvement project, and the assignment of an Oide Learning Leader to each school. A developmental approach is taken to the enhancement of participants’ leadership capacity with a focus on collaborative activity, practical application and frequent engagement with the project either in school or at the facilitated sessions.  

Forbairt is constructed on an action learning model built upon a dual foundation of leadership focused CPD and the practical experience of leading a school improvement project. It seeks to foster and develop a passion and capacity for undertaking leadership roles through collaboration, reflection, dialogue, and the development of professional trust amongst participants. In so doing, it positively impacts the leadership and management practices within the schools, builds a more sustainable approach to school leadership, and develops the leadership capacity of the wider leadership team.     

Engagement in the Forbairt programme supports schools’ strategic planning and enables leaders to address an area for improvement within the Leadership and Management domain of the Looking At Our Schools 2022 Quality Framework. It takes an evidence and research-informed approach to leadership development and seeks to assist participants in implementing such an approach in their professional practice.  

You can also contact for further information.  

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Forbairt Overview flowchart

Reasons for participating in the Forbairt Programme

Participants will engage in high-quality professional leadership development which will enhance their knowledge, skills, and capacity. 

School leadership teams will develop their collaborative and teamworking capacities to the benefit of the school and the students. 

Participants will have the opportunity to network and connect with other school leadership teams focused on leadership development and school improvement. In so doing, participants benefit from the sharing of best practice, experiences and resources. 

Participation in the Forbairt programme promotes the building and sustaining of a distributed leadership model that underpins the highest quality in student care and wellbeing, learning and teaching and overall school improvement. 

The programme aims to promote a culture of improvement, collaboration, reflection, innovation and creativity among school leaders and the wider school community. 

The programme is very much evidence and research based. Participants will be supported in implementing the use of data and evidence as part of their leadership practice. 

Who is Forbairt for?

 Forbairt is open to school leadership teams comprising of: 

An experienced school principal (not on the Misneach programme or eligible to do Misneach) * 

Deputy principal* 

Two assistant principals 

** as noted above, smaller schools, with only one DP may opt for either the principal or DP to take part in the programme rather than both. Both are also welcome to take part, however, we are aware of the challenges involved for schools with one DP with both the principal and DP attending in-person CPD together. The decision as to whether one or both should take part is left to each individual school. 

Signing up to Forbairt requires a commitment on the part of all the participants to full engagement in each of the programme components. This is very much a team-based programme and it is important that each team member plays a full role and supports the other team members. 

If numbers exceed available places shortlisting may apply. 

All schools will be contacted after shortlisting has taken place. The schools that have been successful in their applications will be contacted directly by an Oide Learning Leader with further information. 


An enthusiasm for and commitment to professional leadership development. 

Each participant is required to fully engage in each programme module. 

Each school team must conduct a school-based action learning project focusing on the leadership and management dimension of Looking At Our School 2022 Quality Framework. 

Upon completion, a report must be submitted on each action learning project. 

Each school team will present their action learning project at the annual national Forbairt showcase event. 


Notification of the application process for the next cohort for the programme is typically sent to schools in May.  

Leading DEIS Planning: A Data Informed Approach


This is a one-year programme that provides an opportunity for participant post-primary DEIS leadership teams to enrich and enhance their individual and collective DEIS planning leadership knowledge, skills and capacity through professional development, reflection, collaboration and practical DEIS planning. It seeks to assist DEIS leadership teams in using data and change/implementation research to generate effective DEIS plans that can bring about real and tangible improvements in their schools. 

Over the course of the academic year, school-based DEIS leadership teams are assisted through a comprehensive programme of support which involves three face-to-face CPD days, five online training sessions, in-school support from an Oide Professional Leader of Learning, and engagement in professional learning communities with DEIS leaders from other schools. A developmental approach is taken to the enhancement of participants’ leadership capacity with a focus on collaborative activity, practical application, and frequent engagement with the project either in school or at the facilitated sessions. 

The Leading DEIS Planning: A Data & Research-Informed Approach programme is constructed on an action learning model built upon a dual foundation of leadership focused CPD and the practical experience of effective DEIS planning. It seeks to foster and develop a passion and capacity for undertaking leadership roles through collaboration, reflection, dialogue, and the development of professional trust among participants. 

Who is This Programme For? 

Each school team consists of one senior leader (principal or DP), the DEIS Coordinator, and the HSCL Coordinator. No prior data, statistical, mathematical or research knowledge is required.   

Signing up for this programme requires a commitment on the part of all the participants to full engagement in each of the programme components. This is very much a team-based programme and it is important that each team member plays a full role and supports the other team members. 

If numbers exceed available places shortlisting may apply. 

Programme Content 

The programme is hands-on, practical, and relevant to the specific needs of each school. It is not a statistics or data analytics programme, rather it is about putting in place the knowledge and skills to allow school leaders to use the information available to them to inform their professional judgement and school planning and implement them in a successful manner. 

Key areas which will be addressed during the programme include: 

Looking at the WHY behind DEIS planning and DEIS themes. 

How to work collaboratively for DEIS planning. 

Identifying appropriate data to inform DEIS planning. 

How to gather concise and effective data. 

How to analyse data effectively. 

Using data to inform target setting and action planning. 

What research says about putting together effective improvement plans. 

How to lead successful change initiatives in schools. 

How to get staff buy-in for DEIS plan implementation. 

How to monitor and evaluate DEIS plans. 


Participants will engage in high-quality professional DEIS planning and leadership development which will enhance their knowledge, skills, and capacity. 

Schools will be supported in implementing effective DEIS planning, target-setting, implementation, monitoring, and review. 

A data and research-informed approach leads to a greater likelihood of DEIS targets being achieved. 

Improved DEIS planning and implementation resulting in improved outcomes for students. 

DEIS leadership teams will develop their collaborative and teamworking capacities to the benefit of the school and the students. 

Participants will have the opportunity to network and connect with other DEIS leadership teams. In so doing, participants benefit from the sharing of best practice, experiences, and resources. 

The programme aims to promote a culture of improvement, collaboration, reflection, innovation, and creativity among DEIS leaders and the wider school community. 

The programme is very much evidence and research based. Participants will be supported in implementing the use of data and evidence as part of their leadership practice.   

Líonra (for Deputy Principals)


Líonraí are affiliation networks for Deputy Principals which promote personal as well as group development. Sessions explore current leadership issues, facilitate professional learning and share good practice. They also develop the tenets of distributed leadership as envisaged in the Action Plan for Education. 


The sessions are online and are very much driven by current topics and sharing of CPD by the participants. The Líonra support network is available to those who have completed the Tánaiste programme and /or if you have over one year of experience as a Deputy Principal. 


Should you wish to join a Líonra network please contact Linda Hogan at 



The Misneach Programme for 2024 - 2026 is open to all newly appointed principals. 

Misneach is a two-year personal and professional reflection programme spread over five two-day workshops whereby newly appointed principals come together to explore a wide variety of modules aimed at developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes as they begin their journey as new school leaders. The programme is guided by the Oide Leadership Team with a parallel mentoring programme provided. With the learner at the centre of the programme, Misneach facilitates and encourages formal and informal networking opportunities where shared experiences and support can be accessed by all participants. The programme is facilitated by experienced principals and provides essential support for all newly appointed principals. 

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Misneach draws and builds upon recognised research findings which identify key leadership competencies, focused on the imperative to ensure quality student outcomes for every student and to promote ongoing school improvement, equity and effectiveness. The programme guides new leaders towards a sustainable model of leadership, building capacity in terms of self-reflection, self-awareness and self-care. 

Misneach promotes the use of evidence to inform practice, reflecting the international movement towards a research-based culture. The programme fosters professional autonomy and local decision-making in collaboration with students, staff, parents and management, working towards a values-based shared vision. Misneach supports the creation and maintenance of professional learning communities which promote highly effective networking and collaborative peer support. 

Misneach is an established programme with a design and delivery structure that allows for flexibility to respond to priority developments in national policy, thereby providing currency and coherence into the future. 

For further information please contact

The programme is guided by the five core principles that underpin good practice in school leadership: 



The topics that will be explored during the Misneach programme relate directly to the various aspects of school leadership and include: 


Who is eligible for this programme? 

The Misneach Programme of Induction is for newly appointed principal teachers and has provided professional development and support to the vast majority of principals appointed in the past 15 years.  

Do I have to pay for Misneach? 

No. The DE pays travel expenses, meals and accommodation along with the costs of the programme itself. 

Is there a follow-on programme after Misneach? 

Please see other programmes on this website 

Who is the Misneach Programme for? 

The Misneach Programme of Induction is for newly appointed principal teachers and has provided professional development and support to the vast majority of principals appointed in the past 15 years.  


“Excellent management training for newly appointed principals. The content and learning experiences are very well thought through and delivered are the right time. It gives headspace away from the school so you can reflect and plan. The legacy of this training is the professional network developed with colleagues around the country with whom you can share common issues and advice” 

“Misneach is an excellent programme which I found invaluable as a new Principal. The quality of presentations, practical advice and professional conversations was excellent. The most invaluable aspect for me was the chance to meet fellow new appointments to leadership and to share experiences of our first 18 months in the job” 

“Absolutely excellent programme. I would highly recommend it to all new principals. The course provided excellent discussions about the role of the principal and the opportunity to create a network of colleagues to call upon after leaving Misneach. I really enjoyed the course and would welcome the opportunity of Misneach becoming something that would run twice yearly for each cohort” 

“I thoroughly enjoyed the programme throughout and gained a lot from it. I always came away feeling a little more confident and most certainly reassured. As well as picking up some innovative ideas on things like vision, school culture and CPD I became aware of many practical ideas that although small in themselves can make an enormous difference to staff and students and the daily running of an effective school.” 

School Self-Evaluation (SSE)


Oide continues to support schools in engaging with the SSE process by facilitating national seminars and workshops, local CPD events through the Education Centre Network school clusters and in-school support. 

Click on the Apply Now at the top of the page to apply for school support for SSE. This support will be tailored to meet the needs of your school and agreed through initial conversations and consultations with senior management and/or members of staff. 

School Self-Evaluation: Seminars for School Leaders and SSE Coordinators 

90-minute online Seminar introductory seminar for those new to the coordination and leadership of the SSE process. The purpose of this online session is to provide opportunities for those new to leading SSE to familiarise themselves with the rationale behind SSE, the six-step process of carrying out SSE, and the supports available to them.    

Two-hour face-to-face seminar. The purpose of this school self-evaluation session is to provide the participants with an opportunity to address challenging aspects of SSE implementation, to share experiences and to identify means of successfully leading data and evidence-informed evaluations and improvements in their schools.   

Circular 56/2022 sets out the requirements in respect of the current cycle of SSE which began in September 2022. This follows on from and supersedes post-primary circulars 40/2016, 41/2020, 33/2021 and 30/2022. This session will also take stock of the broader national priorities as they relate to SSE, such as the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice. Participants will be invited to submit queries and areas of concern around SSE in advance of the workshop. This time will be given to addressing these.   

Year-long support: SSE pilot step-by-step support programme for 30 schools which will consist of the following: 

  1. Three cohorts of approximately ten schools each grouped according to areas of focus. 
  2. Six online sessions for each cohort commencing in September 2024, walking the participants through the different phase of SSE e.g. focus identification, putting together the SSE team, planning the SSE calendar, data collection, data analysis, action planning, implementation considerations, change leadership, monitoring progress, embedding improvements. 
  3. In each session, guidance will be given in relation to how to carry out the next steps in their SSE process. There will be a focus on schools working collectively to identify what needs to be done, how best to go about carrying out their SSE in their schools and how to address challenges that may arise. 
  4. As the schools will be grouped according to common/related evaluation focus areas, they can work collaboratively to share experiences, challenges, successes, insights, ideas, etc. 

School Support Visits

Individual schools may request school support visits from Oide leadership PLLs to assist them in planning and implementing SSE in their schools. 

To apply for school support in relation to School Self-Evaluation please follow the following link  Schools – Oide 

Latest Developments and Updates

This section of the Post Primary SSE website provides SSE specific information on updates to each SSE page, SSE newsletters, events, etc. You can access the News page by clicking on the News page sub menu. Also, follow this link to the Department of Education site for SSE developments and documents.

SSE Six-step Resources

This section contains a collection of recordings introducing the process of School Self-Evaluation and deals with each of the steps of SSE. The first one provides an overview of the process and its guiding documents. Each subsequent recording deals with an individual step of the SSE process in sequence.

An Introduction to SSE This is the first in the series of webinars delivered by the Post-Primary Leadership Team presenting an overview of the School Self-Evaluation Process. View here.

An Overview of SSE 2022-2026 View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 1: Identify Focus. View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 2: Gather Evidence. View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 3: Analyse and Make Judgements. View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 4: Write and Share Report and Improvement Plan. View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 5: Put Improvement Plan into Action. View here.

School Self-Evaluation Step 6: Monitor Actions and Evaluate Impact. View here.


Administration: Linda Hogan 

Clare Education Centre 


Senior Cycle Redevelopment

Senior Cycle Redevelopment Webinar

The following Webinar for School Leaders on the theme of Senior Cycle Redevelopment was recorded on Thursday, March 21.

Subject Leadership



The Oide Leadership Team will be facilitating a newly designed, full-day seminar to support schools in developing whole-school approaches to subject leadership and subject planning.


The purpose of the day is to: 

  • Reflect on the key underlying principles and practices of effective collaboration and planning in subject leadership. 
  • Provide opportunities for individual schools to reflect on their priorities and to consider ways of working within their subject departments. It provides practical opportunities to engage with structures which can support a coherent school-wide approach.  
  • To share practices and approaches in relation to subject leadership across schools. 

The discussion and planning will be applicable to all subject leaders as the focus is on developing a whole-school approach to effective and efficient subject planning, rather than developing an approach within a single subject.  

The three participants from each school will be as follows: two subject leaders from any subject area , and one member of the Senior Management Team (either principal or deputy). It is vital that schools who wish to participate have three members of staff who are fully able to participate throughout the day.  


Should you wish to register for the subject leadership programme please contact Linda Hogan at 



Tánaiste is Oide’s leadership training programme for newly appointed Deputy Principals and Acting Deputy Principals. The aim of Tánaiste is to support the Deputy Principal over the course of their first year as senior school leaders. The programme commences in August and concludes in the September of the following year.  

Over the course of the programme, participants attend five different events where they explore a broad range of topics related to their role and closely linked to the domains and standards of Looking at our School 2022. Oide’s Tánaiste Programme team is dedicated to growing participants’ knowledge and confidence as well as key leadership skills and depositions which will help sustain them in their new roles.  

While Tánaiste is an established programme, its design allows for flexibility to respond to priority developments in national policy and cultural change. Modules are practical, informative and evidence based. Participating in Oide’s Tánaiste programme also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration with other Deputy Principals and Acting Deputy Principals. 

If you are a newly appointed Deputy Principal or Acting Deputy Principal, you can apply for the Tánaiste programme for the academic year 2024-2025 by clicking this link. You can also contact for further information.  

Tánaiste overview flow chart


Who is eligible for this programme? 

This programme is for newly appointed Deputy Principals and Acting Deputy Principals and runs for the first year in their new role. 

What if I am appointed after the 1st of September? 

If you are a late appointee, contact for information.

Do I have to pay for Tánaiste? 

No, Tánaiste is funded by the Department of Education.

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“The Tánaiste programme is a great opportunity to get to know other new appointees. It builds connections and forges friendships with others. It is very important in countering any feeling of isolation that may come with a new appointment and it brings great comfort to know that you are not alone – that others are experiencing similar challenges and opportunities at the same time as yourself.”   

“I was very impressed overall. I thought the presentations were excellent. Meeting other deputy principals informally for a chat at mealtimes was most helpful and I thank most sincerely the Tánaiste team for giving us this opportunity. It has given me great confidence in my job. The support is excellent.”   

“Fantastic opportunity to meet fellow Deputy Principals and discuss strategies for improvement.”    

“It was an excellent programme from start to finish. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to participate. I looked forward to the sessions and getting a chance to learn about the role and share issues in a constructive way with others on the same journey. The sharing in the group by email was a powerful back up too. Thank you all for all the effort and organisation that went into planning a great course.” 

“The Tánaiste Programme has been invaluable to me. The mailing list, training days, excellence of the facilitators and opportunity to meet colleagues made the year enjoyable, enlightening and very worthwhile. A must for any new DP to attend.” 

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