This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Physical Education.
Overview of Physical Literacy Seminar 5 (PLS5):
The main focus of Physical Literacy Seminar 5 (PLS5) is to develop the physically literate pupil through the lens of knowledge and understanding.
This seminar explores the physical literacy domain of knowledge and understanding, which is at the heart of physical literacy. Pupils will be empowered to make decisions in building an active life as a result of increased knowledge and understanding (Cale and Harris, 2018). Knowledge and Understanding (Cognitive) includes the ability to identify and express the essential qualities that influence movement, understand the health benefits of an active lifestyle, and appreciate appropriate safety features associated with physical activity in a variety of settings and physical environments (Move Well Move Often Teacher Guide pg. 6). This seminar explores the domain of knowledge and understanding across three core categories – knowledge and understanding of personal responsibility, knowledge and understanding of health benefits and knowledge and understanding of activities and movement.
Please find the participant handbook used on the day, below, to support your understanding.
You can choose to either access the material online, or download a PDF version of the document.
The PE lesson provides a wonderful opportunity to promote and develop pupil wellbeing. This practical two hour workshop will explore a number of strategies that can be used to build and promote positive pupil experiences as part of a whole school PE programme in line with the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice.
This workshop aims to develop teachers’ confidence and competence to safely teach a wide variety of skills from the gymnastics strand of the PE curriculum. In this practical two hour workshop, teachers will explore a variety of approaches and activities to support the teaching of gymnastics. No experience of gymnastics is required to attend/engage with this workshop.
Please find attached the ‘Gymnastics for All’ workshop resource handbook and accompanying resources below:
– ‘Animal Walk’ resource cards
– Gymnastics Skills teaching cards
– Gymnastics Sequencing activity cards
– Gymnastics Roll cards
– Alternative Gymnastics Sequencing task card
Accompanying Resources:
The aim of this two-hour elective workshop is to support primary teachers to actively engage with the games strand of the PE curriculum. This workshop will provide opportunities for teachers to explore a range of approaches to develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of activities and movement based on the games strand of the PE curriculum.
Please find the ‘Can we just play the game?’ workbook and accompanying resources below:
– ‘Attacking’ Poster
– ‘Defending’ Poster
– A ‘Game Centered Approach’ Poster