This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of Junior Cycle Physical Education learning
Overview of our Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Our professional learning day focused the theme ‘Supporting a Culture of Learning in Physical Education’ through assessment task design for a cross-strand unit of learning and classroom-based assessments at Junior Cycle, and exploring curriculum models in the Senior Cycle Physical Education curriculum.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Material from Cluster Day 2024/25 Professional Learning Day
Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
Co-creating Success Criteria
As a sample suggestion for co-creating success criteria with students, watch each video connected to the activity used for skill development and identify three success criteria for three skills observed in each video.
Using a performance skill technique sheet can help with co-creating success criteria with your students.
A sample performance skill technique sheet for sprint hurdles is shown here.

Video sources
Sprint hurdles:
Basketball layup shot:

Learning and Assessment Support in Physical Education
A set of task cards provide:
- Learning activities for skill development and progression
- Can be revisited to support progression and assessment of a skill
- Used to design success criteria and learning intentions
Teacher’s Voice
One teacher’s experience of engaging with Senior Cycle Physical Education framework in their school setting
Senior Cycle Physical Education Assessment – Portfolios
The video shares examples of how gathering evidence of student learning can be collated in a portfolio, using paper-based or digital platforms
Overview of our Cluster Day 2023/24 Professional Learning Day
Our professional learning day focused the themes, fundamental movement skills, water safety and planning units of learning in the context of the Junior Cycle Physical Education specification, introduced in schools for first year students in September 2023.
Links to all relevant documents/material are available below. You can either access the material online, or download PDF versions of the documents.
Material from Cluster Day 2023/24 Professional Learning Day
Excel Digital Planner for Junior Cycle Physical Education Specification 2022