Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support professional learning in Senior Cycle Art

Professional Learning Experiences 2023/24

Cluster workshop 2023/24

This year’s cluster workshop is entitled Cultivating Visual Literacy, Through the Continuum of Post-Primary Art Education. We have designed a day which will address both Junior and Senior Cycle Art Education.

Learning Intentions :
Consider the building blocks of critical and visual language across the continuum of post-primary art education.
Explore the application of critical and visual language in student practical work to support assessment, teaching and learning.
Cultivate critical and visual language in the context of the written response in art education.

Additional Resources and Supports:

Introduction to the Leaving Certificate Art Specification


Become familiar with the Leaving Certificate Art Specification.

Explore the Specification’s Strands, Strand Units and associated Learning Outcomes.

Examine Visual Studies, the Framework and the Content Areas.


Leaving Certificate Art Specification

Click to View
Leaving Certificate Art Amalgamation National Seminar Day 1, 2 & 3


This presentation was adapted from our National Seminar Day presentations of days 1, 2 & 3.

Session 1: Become familiar with the Art Specification and the supporting policy documents. Explore Strand, Strand Units, Learning Outcomes and action verbs. Examine Learning Intentions and Co-Constructed Success Criteria.

Session 2: Plan a unit of learning for the practical classroom. Examine the Visual Studies Framework. Explore the 6 Framework Elements.

Session 3: Investigate Visual Studies Content Area 1, 2 & 3, in relation to the written and practical component. Examine Content Area 3, Today’s World and the associated Sections of Focus. Review the revised assessment arrangements.

Leaving Certificate Art Amalgamation National Seminar Day 4 & 5


This presentation was adapted from our National Seminar Day presentations of days 4 & 5

Session 1: Consider Learning Outcomes for Visual Studies Content Areas. Plan a unit of learning for the Visual Studies Content Areas.

Session 2: Examine the development of student critical and creative thinking through effective questioning. Explore questioning for assessment. Investigate strategies for analysing artworks/artefacts to support engagement with Visual Studies.

Session 3: Develop questions for the art classroom. Explore how student engagement and particpation can be enhanced. Consider opportunities to expand and combine areas of practise.

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