Professional Learning Materials

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources which can be used to support individual and school-led professional development across all areas of L1LPs and L2LPs

Mainstream School Settings


Mainstream school settings PLE: L1LP L2LP Cluster Professional Learning Material 2024/2025

Curriculum for All Students Session 1 2024/2025

Personalised Curriculum Planning

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Further develop our understanding of flexibility of Junior Cycle
•Explore the process of planning an individualised & targeted programme of learning at Junior Cycle

Mainstream school settings PLE: Introduction to L1LPs & L2LPs in mainstream settings​ 2024/2025 via Zoom

Introduction to L1LPs & L2LPs in mainstream settings​

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Further our understanding of the L1LPs & L2LPs
•Identify the required steps for the successful implementation of the L1LPs & L2LPs
•Develop means of delivering this information to the wider school community


Mainstream school settings: Introductory Professional Learning Events (PLE) via Zoom

Introduction to L1LPs & L2LPs in mainstream settings​

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Further your understanding of the L1LPs &L2LPs
•Identify the required steps for the successful implementation of the L1LPs &L2LPs
•Develop a means of delivering this information to the wider school community

Leading the implementation of L1LPs & L2LPs in mainstream settings​

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Further your understanding of the L1LPs &L2LPs
•Identify the required steps for the successful implementation of the L1LPs &L2LPs
•Develop a means of delivering this information to the wider school community

Mainstream school settings: In-school PLE

Leading a Collaborative Approach to L1LPs & L2LPs in Classrooms

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Further our understanding of where the L1LPs & L2LPs fit in the Framework for Junior Cycle
•Consider in greater detail the roles & responsibilities of different school staff in the L1LPs & L2LPs implementation journey
•Discuss the process of collaborative best practice in the application of L1LPs and L2LPs in classroom settings

Assessment of L1LPs & L2LPs in Mainstream Settings

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Developing a deeper understanding of how ongoing assessment supports student learning
•Identifying the connections between teaching, learning, assessment and reporting
•Understanding the way well planned assessment supports teaching and learning
•Explore the need for PLU ‘assessment moments’ success criteria
•Explore assessment within Level 1 and Level 2 short courses – CBAs

Special School Settings


Special School Settings PLE: Introduction to Junior Cycle L1LPs & L2LPs for Special School Leaders and Teachers 2024/25​ via Zoom

Introduction to Junior Cycle L1LPs & L2LPs Professional Learning for Special School Leaders and Teachers 2024/2025

The main focus of this PLE will be to:
•Understand how the Level 1 Learning Programmes (L1LPs) & Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) sit within the Junior Cycle framework
•Explore the L1LPs & L2LPs, Priority Learning Units, Elements and Learning Outcomes
•Build on your understanding of Level 1 & Level 2 Short Courses


Special school settings: Introductory PLE via Zoom

Introduction to L1LPs & L2LPs in Special Schools

The main focus of PLE will be to:
•Understand how the Level 1 Learning Programmes (L1LPs) & Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) sit within the Junior Cycle framework
•Explore the L1LPs & L2LPs, Priority Learning Units, Elements and Learning Outcomes
•Build on your understanding of Level 1 & Level 2 Short Courses

Additional Resources and Supports:

Special school settings: In-school PLE

Junior Cycle in Special Schools Assessment and Reporting

The main focus of PLE will be to:
•Explore the use of formative and summative assessment at Level 1 & Level 2
•Consider assessment in our context
•Develop our understanding of the process of generating, gathering and assessing evidence of learning at Level 1 & Level 2

Additional Resources and Supports:

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